You can use any framework, there is also added support for QB and ESX

You can use OX/QB/BT Target

You can use ESX/QB/OX Inventory or any other inventory that uses the default framework events. (most inventorys work)

Step 1 (SQL)

Before installing the script first import the SQL into your database.

  `owner` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  `type` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  `coords` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`coords`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_general_ci;

Step 2 (Script Installation)

After purchasing the script go to : & download the script. Drag & Drop the script into your resources folder and add it to your server.cfg.

Open the config.lua file and setup the main options

Config = {}

-- QBCore = exports['qb-core']:GetCoreObject()  -- uncomment if you use QBCore
-- ESX = exports["es_extended"]:getSharedObject() -- uncomment if you use ESX

Config.Settings = {
    Framework = "ST", -- QB/ESX/ST (ST - Standalone).
    Target = "OX", -- OX/QB/BT/
    Remove = "Owner", -- ( Remove = "All" - Everyone can pickup object ), (Remove = "Owner" - Only the owner and police can pickup.)
    PoliceJob = {"police","sheriff"},

Make sure to uncomment the Framework you use and set it in the Settings tab.

Make sure to select the correct Target

if Remove is set to "Owner" only the object owner & the jobs set in PoliceJob will be able to remove it. If its set to "All" everyone will be able to remove the object.

Step 3 (Set Zones)

If RestrictedZones is set to false players will be able to place objects everywhere if set to true they will only be able to place in the zones set bellow.

Config.Zones = {
    RestrictedZones = false, -- if set to false players can place everywhere.
    Size = 15, -- Size of the zone
    Locations = { -- List of zones
        vector3(1340.48, 4387.7, 44.34),
        vector3(1532.07, 1703.29, 109.75),

Step 4 (Create Props)

Creating a new item is very simple. inside " [''] = { " place the name of the object (it can be anything). set the InteractText that will show on your target when you try to interact with the object. Object is the object game name (you can find all objects here : Event is the event that is going to be triggered when interacted with. Set a zOffest of the prop gets placed lower that it should.

Item - whatever you set in item its going to be the item that when used the prop will appear. (You need to register the item in your inventory first), after you register the item in your inventory and everything else is set restart your server & reconnect.

if Framework is set to "ST" a command will be created with the value in "Item"

Config.Objects = {
    ['Cone'] = {
        InteractText = "Interact",
        Object = "prop_mp_cone_02",
        Event = "bbv-objects:test",
        zOffest = 0,
        Item = 'cone'
    [''] = { -- object name
        InteractText = "Interact", -- Text shown on the target
        Object = "",
        Event = "",
        zOffest = 0,
        Item = ''

Last updated